Whilst we take care to ensure the accuracy of all content on this website, social media and resource materials, HeadwayHealth assumes no legal liability that the information is accurate, complete or free from errors. Changes are periodically made to the information on the website, social media and resource materials. You acknowledge and agree that your use of these materials and services are at your own risk. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, HeadwayHealth and the contributors and reviewers to this website, social media and resource materials cannot be responsible for any errors and omissions in the information provided herein, nor any agency’s interpretations, applications and changes of regulations described herein. 

The content on this website, social media and resource materials is provided for general information and educational purposes only and does not replace the need for specific advice relevant to your particular circumstances. You acknowledge and agree that the information or advice provided on this website, social media and resource materials does not constitute medical advice, and that you should consult an appropriate professional for advice specific to your specific situation. 

HeadwayHealth provides this website, social media and resource materials without warranty or guarantee. To the extent permissible by law, HeadwayHealth excludes all liability and responsibility for loss or damage of whatever nature arising from or in connection with your access to or use. In the event that HeadwayHealth is liable for breach of any implied warranty or condition that cannot be excluded by law, then HeadwayHealth’s liability shall be limited to the replacement, repair or re-supply of the goods or services. 

A number of links in this website, social media and resource materials may connect you to content that is not under HeadwayHealth’s control; we take no responsibility for any material on any website, social media and resource materials that is not under HeadwayHealth’s control. The information contained in this website, social media and resource materials is HeadwayHealth’s property; information from other sources is acknowledged. Your right to access such information does not imply a license to reproduce or distribute any such information in any form or by any means. Furthermore, please note that while efforts have been made to include and link to a list of helpful and high quality resources, services, websites and organisations, all information on this list is provided in good faith and HeadwayHealth is not affiliated with any of the external resources or organisations referred to in the website, social media and resource materials. HeadwayHealth is unable to verify that the information from external websites is up-to-date or accurate, or endorse the external services listed; they are just a suggestion for a starting point to learn more about various topics and conditions and to access relevant supports. Should you choose to engage with any of the external resources or services listed, you acknowledge and agree that your use of these are at your own risk. To the extent permissible by law, HeadwayHealth excludes all liability and responsibility for loss or damage of whatever nature arising from or in connection with your access to or use of this list of resources, websites and services. Also please note that any listed external resources and services are not intended to replace psychological therapy; rather, they are an optional additional resource to utilise should you choose to whilst waiting for your appointment with your psychologist or alongside your treatment care team.