
By : on : 15/05/2019 comments : (Comments Off on ConquerFear)

Help with fears of Cancer recurrence – evidence based Skills Program for Cancer Survivors Now available

By : HeadWayHealth on : 12/04/2019 comments : (Comments Off)

Up to 70% of cancer survivors report anxiety and fears about cancer coming back.  After cancer treatment many experience the following “emotional side effects”:
~Loss of confidence
~Checking for symptoms
~Intrusive & worrying thoughts
~Seeking medical reassurance & online information
~Difficulty making plans for the future

In a randomlized controlled trial, a team of researchers at The University of Sydney found that a 5 week ConquerFear skills-based intervention as compared to a relaxation program resulted in a greater reduction in fears and cancer-distress with benefits continuing 6 months later (Butow et al 2017). Skills focus on paying less attention to one’s fears and living life according to one’s values.

The Australian based intervention is widely available and HeadwayHealth are proud to offer this program.   Please contact us on 02 9453 3027 to find out more; Medicare & concession rates are available for eligible patients.

*Butow, PN, Turner, J, Gilchrist, J, Sharpe, L., Smith, AB, Fardell et al (2017). Randomized trial of ConquerFear: A novel, theoretically based psychosocial intervention for fear of cancer recurrence. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(36), 4066-4077



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